tik tok on the clock

but the party doesn't stop

Janice, Regin, Xin Yi & Adeline
4 ordinary girls
Currently studying in Paris Ris Sec Sch
Class: Sec 2e7
Age: 14+


Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Simile @ 9:50 PM

A simile is a comparison made between two things that are not alike in most ways, but are alike in one important way. In a simile, the words "like" or "as" are used to signal that a comparison is being made between the two things.

An example is: Last night Bob slept like a log.

In this example, slept like a log is the simile, and like is the word used to signal that a comparison is being made. The two things being compared are "slept" and "log." A log just lies in one place and does not move. A mental image of Bob sleeping like a log would show him lying in one place without moving. This would bring out that the speaker or writer is saying that Bob had a long, deep, and undisturbed sleep and not just a nap.

Another example is: Working on her project, Mary was as busy as a beaver.

In this example, as busy as a beaver is the simile, and as is the word used to signal that a comparison is being made. The two things being compared are "busy" and "beaver." When building a dam a beaver keeps busily working until the dam is completed. A mental image of Mary being as busy as a beaver while working on her project would show her working very hard. This would bring out that the speaker or writer is saying that Mary was putting a lot of effort into her project and would keep working until it was completed.

Here are other similies which uses 'like' to signal the comparison :

fits like a glove
•runs like a deer
•chatters like a monkey
•moves like a snail
•sits there like a bump on a log
•eats like a pig
•swims like a fish
•stood out like a sore thumb
•fought like cats and dogs
•eyes like a hawk
•takes it like a man
•sings like a bird
•as clear as mud

Here are some similies which uses 'as' to signal the comparison : •as clear as mud
•as strong as an ox
•as nutty as a fruitcake
•as pretty as a picture
•as good as gold
•as quiet as a mouse
•as clear as a bell
•as bright as day
•as light as a feather
•as dry as a bone
•as slow as molasses
•as deep as the ocean

